













1. 中暑:长时间暴露在高温潮湿的环境中,人体散热困难,容易导致中暑。

2. 心脑血管疾病:高温潮湿天气会使得心脑血管疾病患者的病情加重。

3. 消化系统疾病:高温潮湿天气容易导致人体消化功能减弱,引起胃肠道不适。

4. 精神状态不佳:高温潮湿天气会让人感到烦躁、困倦,影响工作和学习。


1. 避免在高温时段外出:尽量选择在早晨或傍晚时段外出,避开高温时段。

2. 保持室内通风:在家中,尽量保持室内通风,使用空调时,室内外温差不宜过大。

3. 补充水分:高温天气下,人体出汗较多,要及时补充水分,喝淡盐水或清凉饮料。

4. 适量饮食:饮食以清淡为主,多吃蔬菜水果,少吃油腻、辛辣食物。

5. 注意防晒:外出时,涂抹防晒霜,佩戴遮阳帽、太阳镜等防晒用品。

6. 适当锻炼:在室内进行适量锻炼,增强体质,提高抗热能力。

7. 注意休息:保证充足的睡眠,避免熬夜。



1. 减少外出,尽量待在室内。

2. 关闭门窗,拉上窗帘,避免阳光直射。

3. 使用空调时,室内外温差不宜过大,以免引发感冒。

4. 注意用火用电安全,防止火灾发生。







1. 环境优雅


2. 设施齐全


3. 专业服务


4. 体验丰富











1. 接待服务:会所设有专业的接待台,为顾客提供咨询、预约等服务。顾客可通过电话、网络等方式预约,方便快捷。

2. 咨询服务:接待员会根据顾客的需求,推荐适合的桑拿项目,并提供详细的介绍,让顾客明明白白消费。

3. 技师服务:会所聘请了众多技艺精湛的技师,他们拥有丰富的经验,能够为顾客提供专业、贴心的服务。在技师的专业操作下,顾客的身心将得到彻底的放松。



1. 桑拿:传统的桑拿房采用天然木材建造,燃烧木炭产生蒸汽,有助于排出体内毒素,促进血液循环。

2. 蒸汽房:采用高科技设备,产生细腻的蒸汽,帮助顾客舒缓肌肉、消除疲劳。

3. 水疗:通过水压、水温、水流的调节,达到放松身心、缓解压力的效果。

4. 美容养生:提供面部护理、身体护理等美容养生项目,帮助顾客改善肌肤状况,提升身体素质。

5. 健身:会所设有健身区,配备多种健身器材,顾客可在此进行锻炼,增强体质。



1. 会员制度:会所推出会员制度,会员可享受折扣优惠、优先预约等服务。

2. 专属区域:为会员提供专属休息区,配备舒适的沙发、茶几等设施,让顾客在享受桑拿的同时,也能享受休闲时光。

3. 个性化服务:根据顾客需求,提供定制化的桑拿方案,让每位顾客都能得到满意的服务。







1. 50多种休闲养生减压项目,满足不同需求;
2. 十年品牌,数万老顾客推荐;
3. 24小时在线预约,享受便捷服务;
4. QQ/微信均可预约,提前2小时左右预约可申请8折优惠。




1. 颜值爆表,模特升高,模特身材,手法精湛,态度一流;
2. 源自巴厘岛的贴心呵护,纾解内在情绪压力;
3. 专业男按摩师,让您体验从未有过的感觉;
4. 人性化服务,让您消除疲劳,焕发活力。




1. 获得多项殊荣,消费群体中建立良好的口碑;
2. 推广博大精深的中医传统文化,舒缓压力、保健养生;
3. 多种环境风格,为现代人营造世外桃源;
4. 严要求、高标准的管理理念,让您享受健康生活。




1. 顶级上海男士休闲、上海男士按摩、上海男士养生、上海男士spa、上海男士水疗、上海桑拿洗浴、上海高端私人会所;
2. 高端SPA会所,专业养身服务;
3. 高薪聘请拥有丰富从业经验的专业人士加盟;
4. 精选一线精油品牌纯天然产品,打造都市顶级的专业高端SPA会所。


When meeting geese, I felt a sting in my words and said, "What if we don’t listen to Lou Daochang’s plan?"

Lou Jishi said, "Hey! Hey! At that time, we had our own plans, but it was difficult to tell you. "
Li Kun said, "If you don’t say it, don’t say it. What do you say?"
When he asked for help, he meant that he was about to greet him when he was ready to help him. He estimated that Lou and Yang were non-adversaries, but suddenly he broke out in a cold sweat at the thought of "Li Xiong, dare you forget?" Brother Zong Xuan said that you can ask him if you want to know! So let’s talk more about it, shall we? Why don’t you just ask Zong Xuan directly? "
Li Kun saw that he didn’t support a flush of hatred in his heart, but the current situation was three to one. He dared not send it again and said, "Every brother is right."
I thought to myself, "Being reasonable is simply saving your life. If Lou and Yang had given directions before, we would have taken our lives without any effort."
Before he moved, Zong Xuan added, "Since you both want to know your brothers, you can tell them publicly. Just now, I suggested to Miss Yang and Taoist Lou that you might as well help me to learn the martial arts functions of various schools in heaven to deal with your common enemies."
Whenever zheng said, "yes! This method is great but I didn’t expect it earlier. "
He immediately said to Lou, Yang and others, "But we must do one thing, that is, we can’t let Brother Zongxuan monopolize the joint of the villa people."
Otherwise, we will not only control him, but will be victimized and become a situation of being attacked on both sides. This is also a wonderful way to give consideration to our secrets. "
Lou Jishi said, "Brother Feng said that at present we must cut off Brother Zong Xuan’s exclusive villa."
ZongXuan way "all right! Anyway, I have no choice. "
He looked around and added, "I’m afraid it’s not convenient for us to stay here and talk all the time?"
Yang Yandao said, "We, a bunch of people, will meet here because we want to wait for someone here."
Zong Xuan said, "But wait for your common adversary?"
She nodded her head and glanced at her moving figure. She couldn’t help crying "What a pity" in her heart. She quickly turned to this matter and asked, "How do you know that he will definitely pass by here?"
Lou Jishi said, "I can’t tell you the details, but I will definitely pass through here."
ZongXuan way "good! Then let’s wait here! "
He turned around and boarded the bus. This time, people stopped him because everyone could see that he didn’t look well, as if he was tired. He said that he had been poisoned, but everyone told him to rest.
Zong Xuan sat in the car for a long time, trying hard to concentrate on it, and finally recovered as usual. Lou, Feng, Li and others have disappeared from the car. It happened that Yan Yang was walking alone, and her charm was very touching, but unfortunately, her vulgar appearance made Zong Xuan look straight.
She quickly stepped into the carriage and smiled at Zong Xuan. "It’s not appropriate to park here, but we are afraid to disturb your exercise and try our best to endure that you are awake now. It would be best."
The carriage suddenly moved. It turned out that the middle-aged woman pulled the carriage behind the trees on the roadside and looked at the road. Her eyes could still be seen through the branches and leaves.
He said, "What about the handlebar style?"
Yang Yandao: "I don’t know. They probably killed me."
ZongXuan way "good diabolical means! I believe this is exactly why you factions have been able to keep secrets for decades. "
Yang Yandao: "This sentence of yours can prove that you are really a person from the Bracelet Mountain Villa. If you are a chivalrous person, you will definitely have a sense of condemnation."
Zong Xuan smiled happily. "I have finally recovered my true colors until now, but it’s a pity that I have just enjoyed such freedom. The horse will end when I am born."
Yan Yang asked with a cut expression, "Are you cured by poisonous medicine?"
Zong Xuan said, "It’s good to survive for a few days, not to mention being cured."
Yang Yandao "how poor! According to this person, you must be very keen to make you suffer for a few more days! I know that the hand must be a girl, otherwise I won’t use such vicious means? "
Zong Xuan did not deny that "everyone has to die, but sooner or later, so I don’t want to discuss it. Tell me, is a woman really so vicious?"
Yang Yanxiao laughed. "If men and women are affectionate, they will become extremely vicious. Of course, this cannot be generalized."
She looked at ZongXuan carefully for a while before adding, "Are you really a chivalrous man? Will it be the only person in the mountain villa again? I remember that Jianghu said that three people dared to confront Zun Zun Villa head-on, and you were one of them. But isn’t it strange that you have now become a Zun Zun Villa person? "
Zong Xuanyi laughed. "So you still know a lot about Jianghu. Who are your opponents?"
Yang Yandao said, "The person we want is an old lady, but we are afraid that it is her son."
Zong Xuan said, "That’s very simple. When you start work, I’ll watch from the side and wake up what you do to defeat the enemy and kill it. Then I’ll be fine, right?"
Yang Yandao "good! But I am afraid that they will not let you go afterwards. "
Zong Xuan said, "That’s not afraid to ask you to help me. I’m sure they’re not suffering."
Yang Yan said, "Even if you can guide me to win, they are outnumbered and one person must be separated to harm you."
Zong Xuan said, "Can you send a message to inform Duzun Mountain Villa?"
Yan Yang mused, "It’s not necessary to come, but I can’t tell people to do things for you now."
Zong Xuan calculated to know that his situation was really dangerous, but there was no way to put things aside for a while and asked, "Have you been monitoring the whereabouts of your rivals?"
Yang Yandao said, "They have lived in a fixed place for many years, but because there are strange doors and large arrays closed there and her son’s martial arts are high, we dare not invade, so we have to guard against being searched and killed by her son all the time."

Halsey said calmly, "What about the battleship?"

"It’s okay to hit a good reaction armor," said the staff
Since the worm plane hit the Leishan Beidu and Washington, it has been studying countermeasures. The final conclusion is still to strengthen the warship armor. Soon after, the first ship reaction armor was born in Beiyuezhou.
Nowadays, this thing is standard in the space fleet, not only the international fleet but also the Jizhou fleet, even the Nanzhou fleet is no exception.
There was a chance in the battle of Ceres in Nanzhou Fleet, but considering that the pre-exposure reactive armor may cause aliens to be alert, if the aliens find countermeasures before, it may affect the whole expedition plan. The reactive armor of Nanzhou Fleet has been in the transport ship until now.
From the farragut international fleet warships have been hit by worms, most of the impacts were blocked by reactive armor, with a few exceptions, or the reactive armor was damaged in previous battles.
However, halsey doesn’t worry about the reaction armor surface. Ordinary armor is also strengthened. The thickness is far greater than the impact depth of the worm machine. If the corrosive substances secreted by the worm machine are counted, it still cannot penetrate the armor.
But halsey soon laugh not to come out because of insect machine nail armor after incredibly not secrete corrosive substances burn through armor but on the armor to launch thin light thin light cutting armor!
Is this killing me?
Halsey jumped up like a blown-up cat. "Shoot each other and shoot each other to kill the bug machine-"
He really wants to ask where Jizhou’s fleet is and how long it will take to attack.
At this time, the Jizhou fleet has rushed to the vicinity of Callisto, and it will be able to attack in a few minutes.
In order to save time, the Jizhou fleet is scattered forward, and each battle group is responsible for one direction. The action plan is almost the same as the international fleet plan, except that aliens can come up with a batch of worm planes to intercept it.
Can aliens take it out? Of course, it is not because aliens brought back a batch of worm machines from the battlefield shortly after the Jizhou ship group exhibition. The total number is about 20 thousand
If Callisto still has worms, do aliens have to weaken the battlefield?
Aliens have not only been transferred back, but also the swarm has never appeared in some places. The alien fleet has also appeared, and it is also rushing to Callisto.
In addition, those lucky enough to have difficulty in light have also emerged from the ground and are heading for a certain position on the ground.
Chapter 145 Troops Callisto
Huo Qiang stared at the screen with an expression on his face, and silently calculated whether this series of actions by aliens were exhausted or confused.
But he quickly put aside the speculation that the swarm was too far away and the alien fleet was not close, so the number of light insects was too small
At this time, this situation should not be too perfect. If you don’t kill Callisto quickly, Huo Qiang, the enemy of Callisto, feels sorry for himself.
So he bombarded Callisto thousands of kilometers away as soon as he ordered the Jizhou fleet of ships to be fired in unison.
Laser can tickle alien warships at this distance, but there is no problem in dealing with fragile light bugs without a shot.
When halsey saw this scene, he was jealous in his heart. His side is hell. Jizhou fleet is medium in charge.
That is, HuoJiang doesn’t know about it, or he has to spray halsey on the spot. Why should he be jealous? Where do you put the old hand when it’s difficult to fight hell?
In order to fight for it, the Jizhou fleet is getting closer and closer, and more and more light insects are killed by the Callisto fleet.
Probably due to the shortage of light worms, Callisto light worms failed to organize effective defense against scattered thin light roots, so there was no threat.
HuoJiang corners of the mouth slightly become warped suppress chests agitate the most insipid tone said "command the ships smoke screen to launch a batch of missiles at Callisto; Yushan, Tianshan, Baoshan and Lushan launched super nuclear bombs on Callisto! "
After a few minutes of fierce fighting, Huo Qiang felt that the time was ripe.
Wu Han promised to take the order to nearly forty-nine warships of various types at the same time, and fired smoke bombs until the smoke flew out for a certain distance before shooting the missiles out.
Huo Qiang named those warships even later, and didn’t launch a super nuclear bomb on Callisto until the missile flew halfway.
Super nuclear bombs are big guys, ensuring the flying speed, and the supporting missiles of super nuclear bombs are also big guys. Together, they are bigger than a bus.
Super missiles are not slow, but they are big, and the targets are big, which is the most vulnerable to intercept missiles.
If there is no suitable battlefield environment, the only result of rashly launching a super nuclear bomb is that it will be intercepted by light bugs and covered by other missiles, otherwise the efforts will be in vain before coming to a few thin lights.
Huo Qiang knows very well that if these missiles are intercepted by the enemy, the fleet will continue to clean the ground targets until nothing can intercept the missiles any more.
As the saying goes, fear of what comes and what happens is really like Huo Qiang’s fear of developing in a direction that is not conducive to Jizhou’s fleet.
The original aliens didn’t care much about this wave of human attacks, but the abnormal phenomenon that Jizhou fired a smoke bomb immediately attracted the attention of aliens, and then a large number of missiles emerged from the smoke, which simply sounded the alarm in the minds of aliens.
At the same time, a large number of light bugs gushed out from the ground like fountains.
Smoke screen not only blocks the sight of aliens, but also blocks the laser from the human fleet 3.
Before, it was not that aliens didn’t want to fight back, but that human attacks were too abnormal, that is, they sent out light bugs, and they were also a dead eye. How dare aliens hesitate when they finally wait for the opportunity?
A small number of photoworms gushed out of the ground and quickly converged to the designated direction.
Seeing this scene, Huo Qiang slapped his face several times in succession, but the horse calmed down. "I don’t care what you owe me, but the sooner the better!"
Ordered the ships to detonate the missiles flying to Callisto immediately, and dozens of nuclear bombs exploded continuously in a very short time, which directly cleared the smoke screen of the blocking fleet and Callisto and immediately exposed the light worms in Jizhou fleet.
The strong light has just scattered, and the thousands of guns in Jizhou ship group are in full swing like a forest. The laser falls from the sky and falls on the running insects. During the laser roasting, it is cooked, burnt and vaporized.
When there is no time to form a cannon array, all the light bugs immediately stop and pursed their butts and fight back on the spot. Countless thin lights form a soaring light beam … It seems that there are many gaps in the actual light beam.
The first eleven warships of Jizhou bear the brunt, and are directly covered by light beams, leaving deep cuts in armor.
The beam didn’t do anything to the warship, but it chopped up the two super nuclear bombs in front of the Jizhou battle group. Huo Qiang’s face changed slightly. The target root of the beam was not the Jizhou, but the two super nuclear bombs in front of the Jizhou.
He immediately turned his attention to the Youzhou-there are two other super nuclear bombs in front of the Youzhou!
As expected, just a few seconds later, another light beam destroyed the super nuclear bomb in the direction of Youzhou. These four super nuclear bombs were destroyed by aliens.
Everything happened in a very short time, and the battle suddenly became hot. Both the enemy and the enemy did their best, regardless of the loss of the fleet, regardless of the casualties, and the side that gave up first gave up the victory.
HuoJiang don’t worry at all, waiting for the development.
Jizhou ship group is a warship injured by aliens, but there are a large number of light bugs actually killed. Both sides are not at the same level, so which side can laugh at the end?
A large number of photoworms were killed by laser, and the counterattack from the ground became weaker and weaker. The goddess of victory has waved to the Jizhou fleet, and Huo Qiang did not hesitate to order the ships to launch nuclear bombs.
Huo Qiang doesn’t have a super nuclear bomb, because he is not sure, and because the number of super nuclear bombs is too small, he plans to plow Callisto with ordinary nuclear bombs first to create opportunities for super nuclear bombs.
After the light bug destroyed four super nuclear bombs, the horse turned its attention to his missiles, but paid little attention to the human warships.
This result makes Huo Qiang angry and funny, but such a good opportunity can’t be missed. All ships must strengthen their firepower to eliminate the light insects.
The fleet destroyed more and more photoworms, but there was still a long way to go. At this time, the first magnetic nuclear shell broke through the interception and successfully hit Callisto. A large group of photoworms disappeared in the violent nuclear explosion.
Both humans and aliens know that this is a victory, and the balance is tilting towards the human side.
There are more and more nuclear bombs landing on the ground, and the advantage of Jizhou fleet is becoming more and more obvious. It won’t be long before aliens will be completely suppressed by Jizhou fleet, and there will be no chance to turn over.
Chapter 146 Nuclear bomb wholesale
After a series of nuclear explosions, there was no living photoworm on the surface of Callisto, just like aliens gave up their resistance.
Did the aliens give up their resistance? Of course not!
They still have a large number of light worms, a large number of servants and soldiers, and a lot of ground forces around the battle. At this time, no matter what is sent to the ground, it is a food delivery place for human beings. The aliens wisely stopped the refueling tactics and planned to maintain their strength and give human beings a good look when they land on Callisto.

Looking at this scene from a distance, the hearts of the strong people in the country are like a huge wave for a long time to calm down.

at this time
Saint Anthony looked up and found that the scarlet moon hanging high in the foggy city had disappeared before he knew it.
Red light is no longer as cool as water at night.
The cold wind blew over the night watchman’s cheeks, and they found that the vines around them disappeared in the distance, and the vine mountain disappeared with them, as well as that terrible evil.
It seems that the previous disasters are all illusions.
In front of them, the ruins are all over the floor, and occasionally a little bit of sinister limbs and broken green liquid rattan are visible, which is even more shocking and blurry. All this tells them that this is not an illusion.
The night watchmans tightened their clothes and ran forward before dawn.
"another red mask that hung over the city disappeared!"
A command hall at the headquarters of Huangdu Bureau of Investigation.
Watching another ceremony venue be broken, I know that lovers can’t help punching.
"Now there is only one last ceremony venue left."
Looking at the pictures taken by satellite, Tang Bureau couldn’t help clenching his fist.
But all he can do now is watch.
They are still too weak.
In the future, we must keep pace with the development of the fire, so as to cope with this increasingly serious disaster.
Bald eagle federal area 51
At this time, the leader of Area 51 is also watching the satellite images.
His brow wrinkled.
"Seven cities are shrouded in red light and hung with red moons. What happened in this?"
They don’t know anything about area 51
This made the leader very unhappy. He knew that when the red moon enveloped, there was no connection outside the city, but they didn’t know anything about what would happen and what the red moon was.
Even in Wanta country, the team with the top sequence has lost contact.
He can’t stand such things that are out of control, nor can many big people.
Area 51 immediately dispatched several satellites by itself to observe the situation in Langhua City and Wudu.
He saw a mess.
It seems that the cities shrouded in red light have suffered great disasters, and none of these cities feel lucky as the head of the 51 ST district of the bald eagle Federation.
But he needs to know more.
He ordered some agents in Europe to rush to the only remaining city.
The satellite observed that the harsh red light in the picture disappeared.
"Is it over?"
"Is it over?"
Dong Huang, Bai Xiong and other countries that have spare capacity for satellite observation at this time have raised questions one after another.
But before they could take a closer look at the city scene, the clouds suddenly changed. At last, dozens of kilometers and hundreds of kilometers around the core of the city were disturbed in the whole area at a longer distance.
A huge white vortex was formed on the satellite observation picture.
It’s as if a big hand has disturbed a large area of clouds in the core area of the vortex, and the clouds are collapsing as if something is going to break through the clouds.

Four messages of strengthening success in a row finally cleared Lu Chen’s face.

The last reinforcement had a success rate of 5%, and he succeeded!
Look at the new property of regicide quickly, and you get an extra effect besides the sharpness of the front+5.
[Enhancement+5 sharpness+2]
The effect of strengthening the Sage’s Staff from the Abyss is different from that of painting pear clothes, but there is no attribute bonus, but two points of sharpness are added, totaling seven points of sharpness, which makes the regicide rise to a higher level, which is better than the pre-activation effect.
Sure enough, the more equipment is strengthened, the higher the income is.
He was eager to check the success rate and details of the reinforcement.
[The success probability of secondary reinforcement is 39%. Does the pioneer of the origin currency need to strengthen it? 】
Looking at the success rate and the required origin currency, Liu Chen shook his head and gave up this terrible idea.
He spent a total of 240,000 original coins on strengthening. If he wants to get better, he will take the rest and give it to the pear painting performance.
Painted pear clothes went to the bronze tripod without changing the tripod and threw the deep moon into it.
Strengthening the successful sound effect made Lu Chen really envy him. I don’t know if I can kill him once in my lifetime.
When the painting of pear clothes was strengthened+7 sprint+,something unexpected happened.
She failed to strengthen. Ten thousand original coins hit Shui Piao and were downgraded to one million six hundred thousand original coins.
The cheeks of the painted pear clothes bulged slightly, which seemed to be a great shame. Looking at Lu Chen seemed to ask for advice. "Should I continue?"
Touched the painted pear head "believe in yourself and continue"
Draw pear clothes and concentrate on the deep moon again.
【 Congratulations to the explorer for strengthening success! 】
【 Congratulations to the explorer for strengthening success! 】
Two companies and one rush+in the new watershed, the moon has also changed qualitatively.
The passive gain effect of the original spell master has changed from 15% to 21%, which makes people feel very exaggerated.
+5 and+special effects are also very real.
[Strengthen+5 mental attributes+1 point (only effective for 12 attributes)]
[Enhancement+One spell attack does not consume soul source value. This effect can only take effect once every natural day]
I have to say that maybe it’s all related to the abyss. The strengthening effects of the deep moon and the abyss sage staff are somewhat similar, but the strengthening+effect direction is different.
Chapter five hundred and nineteen Dragon Holiday Recovery White King
Passive effects such as the Abyss Sage’s Staff Injury can’t take effect at the same time as the Deep Moon, but+the broken and abandoned singing effect can lock the active skills without affecting the use.
That is to say, painting pear clothes can instantly, lock and consume a fatal attack when the deep moon and the deep sage staff at the same time.
Calculate the enhanced effect of Yuanyue+5 and paint pear clothes. Now the mental attribute has reached 15 points, approaching that he once fought against the weak state of the abyss Lord!
What will happen if the spiritual attribute mage makes a big move that is unpredictable?
Lu Chen asked himself that if he didn’t say four degrees of violent blood, he couldn’t stop painting pears. ultimate judgment at this time
Yuanyue spent 5.5 million yuan on this enhancement, but this equipment has also become a super-killer with a full score of holy objects.
There are millions of original coins left in their hands, and they are reasoning about it. Anyway, there is not much money, so they will keep it first and prepare to go back to the dragon world for a vacation.

Hu Tianyi raised an eyebrow. "What are you smirking about?"

"Captain, you don’t know that you became famous in World War I today! That Kuroda is usually overbearing and arrogant, and it’s really gratifying to be cleaned up by you! Those who want to be attached to the captain, your brothers, almost burst their heads. Just talk to me. "
Speaking of this, Zhu Fu unconsciously licked his lips and his eyes were full of brilliance. "The reason for wanting to join the Qingming Peak is also Wuhuamen. It is said that when he joined the mountain gate, he queued up long. Someone behind you said that his blood is a golden beak, and his blood is a relative … Haha, these reasons are really worthy of their thinking!"
"Success will always attract some relatives who don’t know where to come from, so don’t be surprised." Hu Tianyin is as gentle as a deep pool, and he has a kind of indescribable and leaderless temperament, calm and never forced.
"Real partners are expensive, but no matter how many friends there are, no matter which elders and services they are, they are just entrenched and divided. On behalf of me, I am bent on pursuing the avenue. Will I jump into such conspiracy calculations and waste my precious time for nothing?"
Zhu Fu’s intelligent nature naturally knows that Hu Tian explained this sentence to him and immediately nodded, "It is better to know whether it is the key to fix the truth or to fix the strength. It is better to practice and fix it when it is the most practical thing for the fix the truth."
Dan medicine can be refined into magic weapons, but it can’t be bought and sold, but it can’t be repaired enough. Even Dan medicine can’t be eaten. Dan medicine and magic weapons are just auxiliary practice tools. They are powerful magic weapons that can resist the apocalypse, but they don’t even come to you without a certain level of repair.
"Well, it’s good that you take these spars and fill them with trees to calm down and the wind will not stop. I don’t want to get involved in power disputes, but there will always be all kinds of troubles to find you. These days, you should manipulate the black Xuan Pan Mang large array and don’t let stealthy people enter the Qingming Peak." Hu-day finger ring lit up and drew hundreds of spars and threw them to Zhu Fu.
"Yes" Zhu Fu took it and went excitedly.
Hu Tian is still sitting on the White Lotus throne to continue his practice. There is always a battle along the way, but he has been grasping every drop of it for a long time. Now with Zhu Fu’s help, he has taken a lot of time to practice and dared not wave for a second.
Section 143 Kui Niu Fan Yang
Soon, the moon sets and the stars sink, and a new day comes again.
"go! Follow me to the trial hall. "I’ve been practicing hard, and Hu-day’s sharp eyes passed for the first time, and it’s the peak state!
"It’s the captain!" Xiao pang is excited with his face behind him. He can’t help thinking, "Who will challenge Hu-day on the sixth day?" It’s really exciting! " Unconsciously, he has stopped worrying about Hu-day and turned to worry about Hu-day opponents.
The trial hall is still crowded with people, some holding their arms alone and some talking excitedly in groups.
"You said this time who is bigger than the champion? !”
"Then it must be our brother Shi Xiong!"
"Well, I heard that brother Wu Li’s closure is impacting the late Peiyuan period. Hehe, if he is a big brother, he won’t be able to win the first place."
"That’s that’s … huh? Look, it’s Brother Tianchen! Now ranked the ninth Tianchen brother. "
Suddenly, the crowd was in a commotion, wearing a dark blue seven-star robe, wearing a star moon crown and a crape myrtle starlight, and approaching the trial hall. His white face and beard were very ordinary, but his different temperament made him unique, and his record of winning all five wars was even more daunting. His strength was even more hidden than Hu Tian’s!
"Oh oh! Look at Lin Hongying, the chief elder sister of Fengchao, and her sister Betty Chung! One is the third and the other is the sixth! "
"Have you considered taking refuge in them?"
"It’s a pity that phoenix nest never accept female brother! Alas … "
"I heard that many people said they wanted to join Qingmingfeng yesterday, but they were all rejected miserably! Haha! " Someone gloats.
"Hum proud of what? Maybe you dare to laugh like this before Hu-day. "
"What can’t? ! Others are afraid of him, but I don’t … "Suddenly, the voice unconsciously dropped to take two steps back and the body shrank slightly.
Hu Tian!’
"Hu-day came …"
The crowd is another commotion.
Hu-day Zhu Fu two people appeared at the door of the trial hall and stepped in.
"This belongs to the strong disturbance! I Zhu Fuguo really didn’t follow the wrong person! " Xiao pang is walking step by step. Hu Tian’s eyes are shining and full of hope that he has never had before.
On the other hand, Hu Tian’s face was quiet, and neither slander nor praise could shake his heart.
"PSST … how can this man’s mind be so calm and powerful? !” Tianchen has been secretly observing and seeing that the corner of his eye can’t help twitching here.
"Hu-day! Why do you always look so serious? Cheer up! First place! First place! " Betty Chung jumped over, his eyes smiled into a crescent moon, and his white hand was shaking naughtily before Hu-day.
"Lingling is fooling around again!" Aside Lin Hongying full of doting nai sighed.
Hu-day smiled and waved his hand. He could feel the innocence in Betty Chung’s smile. "It’s a good material to fix everything from the heart that prevents Lingling from being naive and romantic! No wonder repairing such a superb light has surpassed me a lot in the early stage! "
Betty Chung a listen to immediately wonderful eyes a stare cried "hu-day what is more than you a lot? ! People have been ahead of you! Speak as if I came from behind. "Because Hu-day looks like her brother, the girl always unconsciously regards Hu-day as a close person, so she also speaks with a kind of recklessness."
"Lingling! Pay attention to the discretion! " Lin Hongying came over and a pair of dark cheng original beautiful pair at this time a stare immediately awe-inspiring frighten Betty Chung a lag.
In a quarter of an hour, Lingling made a bold move in public.